5 Roof Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Winter can be harsh on your home’s roof. And now that we’re nearing the end, you may be thinking about roof maintenance once it’s spring—and for good reasons.
Keeping up with your roof maintenance will help your roof last decades longer than a roof that is neglected. With a little bit of effort, you can do most of the maintenance yourself.
Here are 5 tips every homeowner should know when doing roof maintenance themselves. Here we go!
1. Visual Inspection
Knowing what condition your roof is in will allow you to make any necessary repairs or maintenance needed. We recommend visually inspecting your roof often, especially at the beginning and end of seasons, and after big storms.
Things to look for when inspecting are missing shingles, curling or broken roof shingles, damaged flashing, piles of debris, algae, moss, moisture build-up, tears, and punctures. Any of these are signs that it’s time to do some roof maintenance.
2. Tree Trimming
Trees offer your house shade in the summer and can protect your roof from strong winds. However, over-hanging branches can break off in storms or from old age and cause major damage to your roof from the impact.
Not only that, but low-hanging branches can eventually grow onto your roof and scratch and rub at your roof shingles causing damage over time. Branches can even completely lift up shingles and cause water to get into your house.
For these reasons, it’s always a good idea to trim away branches that start to grow over your house. Keep in mind, bigger branch removal can be dangerous. Using the skills of an arborist for bigger tree trimming jobs is advised.
3. Regular Roof Cleaning
If you live in a humid climate, things like moss and dirt can build up on your roof allowing for small plants and insects to make homes. This is especially true where two pitches meet to make a valley.
To avoid dirt and vegetation build-up, you can either climb up on your roof or use a ladder with a roof broom to regularly sweep away debris. If you own a home with a steep pitch, using a roof broom with a long handle, or even a hose with a long extension can often time do the trick.
4. Gutter Cleaning
Leaves, little branches, and everything in-between falls into gutters and eventually acts like a damn in your gutters. They clog and block the flow of water that gutters and downspouts are designed to capture during heavy rains.
This can lead to gutters overflowing and the ground around your foundation become oversaturated with water. Which then can lead to flooding in your basement.
Depending on where you live, gutter cleaning should happen at least 2 to 3 times a year. Often times you’ll need to use a ladder to remove any bigger debris with your hands, then a hose or pressure washer to wash the rest away. Some hose attachments allow you to reach your gutters from the safety of the ground as well.
5. Interior Home Inspection
This one isn’t so obvious to homeowners when discussing roof maintenance. However, you can often assess if there’s any damage to your roof by inspecting the inside of your home for water leaks or mold build-up. Dark water stains on your ceiling or in your attic can indicate there’s a roof leak somewhere that needs fixing.
6. Roof Maintenance
It’s important to keep up with roof maintenance in order to protect your home and keep it lasting a long time. Regular inspections and cleanings are great ways to ensure your roof lasts a long time. And taking care to trim away over-hanging branches makes sure you don’t have any unexpecting accidents.
If you’ve noticed any damage to your roof that might need fixing, it’s a good idea to get an experienced professional over to take a look. Make sure to give our roofing experts a call with any concerns you may have!
The Roofing Contractor You Can Trust
We know that investing in your home is a big deal, and we make it easy to upgrade your home. Bill Blazek Roofing will pull all appropriate permits before work begins. In addition, you don’t pay for your project until it has been completed and fully inspected and approved by a qualified home inspector. Plus, we warranty our labor and materials for 30 years!