Roofing Blog

7 Common Roof Problems You Need to Watch Out For

7 Common Roof Problems You Need to Watch Out For

Your roof is an important part of your house and separates you from the weather, animals, changing temperatures and more. Make sure your roof stays in great condition by watching out for these common roof problems. 1. Trim nearby tree branches Branches that grow too...

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8 Causes of Roof Damage in Minnesota

Minnesota is a treacherous place for roofs. Some of the more temperate places in the world may see less roof damage, but the creatures and weather in this state can wreak some serious havoc. Want to keep your roof in tip-top shape? Here are 8 common causes of roof...

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Why Does House Siding Warp?

At some point, maybe in the summer months, you may see the vinyl siding on your house become wavy or warped. While the cause may be natural or manmade, his type of damage can happen to any home with vinyl siding. Here are some common reasons why house siding becomes...

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6 Tips to Keep Your Roof In Great Condition

Your roof is an important part of your house and separates you from the weather, animals, changing temperatures and more. Make sure your roof is in great condition by following these tips. 1. Trim nearby tree branches Branches that grow too far into the area of your...

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Rodents and Pests that Can Damage a Roof

Though most animals around your home and roof are small, they can cause big problems if left unchecked. Here are some of the more common rodents and pests in Minnesota that can cause damage to your roof: Squirrels With a leap range of 25 feet, squirrels don’t have to...

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